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Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do (I hope you sang that)

April 8, 2009

Doesn’t this put a smile on your face? Wouldn’t you stop and smile, even if you were late for work? The bigger question is, would you learn the dance if someone invited you to be a part of such an event? And doesn’t Julie Andrews sound magnificent in train stations? This beats the pants off that standing still one at Penn Station.

The thing is, I have been to Belgium a bunch of times. And Belgues, uh…Belgumites, um…the Flemish, well, they NEED this. Especially in the transportation system. I mean, do you realize their public transportation system is on the honor system?!? No turnstyles, no gates, nothing. You are on your honor to buy a ticket and ride only as far as the ticket you paid for. I mean, come on! You can’t just go around TRUSTING people like that. Especially not the people who consider this a major tourist attraction. Yes, it is a statue of a little boy peeing. You want that in chocolate? You got it. To end my rant: the birthplace of Asterix NEEDS more song and dance.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Ganie permalink
    April 10, 2009 2:12 pm

    This did make me smile! I’m trying to think of a venue in which to do this locally, but failing…

    Yes, the Belgians are rumored to be a stolid lot. Remember the Monty Python game show sketch where the challenge is to think of an ethnic slur for Belgians and one of the responses is “Brussels sprouts”?

  2. Amanda permalink
    April 13, 2009 11:34 pm

    ok, that’s the happiest thing I’ve seen on the Internet in some time.

  3. esodhiambo permalink*
    April 14, 2009 7:08 am

    Ganie–Eastview Mall

    Amanda–glad you like!

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